[Salon] AIPAC super PAC, al Zawahiri, and lost billions in Afghanistan

Good afternoon!

Eli Clifton has TWO big reports today 1) AIPAC's new super PAC is long on Republican money and Dem-shaming, but very short on its signature issue -- Israel, and 2) an exclusive on a brand new Cost of War Project report that finds nearly $40 billion in US-taxpayer funded contracts in the Afghanistan War is nearly untraceable in any govt. database. Like it never happened. Poof. And we want to keep giving billions to Ukraine. What could go wrong?


Connor Echols with this homerun piece questioning the legality of the Al-Zawahiri hit. This is the only article that I've seen that comprehensively raises the issue, talks to legal experts, and puts it into the context of a greater US counterterrorism mission. 

All the best,

Kelley V

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